Powering Insurance
Operations with AI

Optimize insurance value chains to improve processes and
maximize ROI. Enable AI solutions developed by the world’s
most skilled insurance-focused data scientists together with
Stat-Market’s proprietary AI technology.

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Claims Management

Advance the claims management process with AI technology that
enhances the standardization of claims management operations and
improves fraud detection.

Natural Language Processing

Read and infer meaning from human languages with NLP to help reduce the manual workload for insurance handlers. Extract meaningful information from text records and documents automatically, saving hours of time and simplifying claims processing.

Suspicious & Fraud Detection

Identify suspicious patterns in claims helping to reduce unnecessary payouts with suspicious and fraud detection systems. Our AI systems score each claim against a library of suspicious scenarios to detect claims that match suspicious patterns to predict a suspicious score for each claim. While suspicious scores are sent for further investigation, non-suspicious claims are fast-tracked for processing.

Causality & Link Detection

Understand the root cause of potential suspicions to reduce errors with Causality and Link Detection AI Systems. View investigation graphical insights, uncover hidden connections and network relational correlations for efficient claims investigations and management.

Claim Paid Amount Prediction

Benchmark claims’ paid amounts, predicting the appropriate claim amount to be paid to claimants with claims amount predictions, while taking into consideration the associated Suspicious Score and flagging any abnormal payment issues.

Sales & Marketing

Stat-Market’s Marketing and sales solutions
for insurance unlock your data to maximize
customer engagement, optimize lead scoring,
improve conversions, and increase ROI.

Enable greater insurance personalization and
cross-selling opportunities with cutting-edge
predictive self-learning tools.

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Maximize customer potential with predictive, personalized offerings based on:


Churn probability

Product opportunity

Pricing sensitivity

Service Operations

Utilize AI systems to help get you more out
of our call center operations. Increase first
contact resolution rate, optimize use of
self-service channels, while reducing call
volumes, repeated call rates and customer
effort rates.

Improve call center operations to provide by
providing customer experiences with optimized
and personalized engagements.


  • Conduct Root Cause Analysis for inbound calls
  • Identify customer’s next call predictions
  • Automatically match responses to offers to meet the specific needs of customers
  • Uncover insights driving a customer to a self-service or an alternative channel

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AI Enabled Cross Sell Campaign Optimization

February 18, 2022